Sunday, October 12, 2008

Home Work

Well, I haven't posted on here in a long time. I can't believe how fast time has flown! I know that I'll have a lot more things to put up here, so I hope people will actually come back. LOL I'm currently working on tons of recipes and other tips and tricks that work out really well for me.

Speaking of's on from the top of my head. If you ever get pen marks on your leather bags and don't know how to take it off use a pink pearl eraser. It works best for fresh marks but may be able to fade old ones.


Anonymous said...

Do you know what will take pen off of a fabric bag?

(BTW, you've been tagged at my site.)

Confessions of a Baltimore Housewife

Kim said...

Thanks for the info on the pink pearl eraser..good tip. I have been meaning to let you know, I left you an award on my Flipping Adventures blog. Can't you tell I'm a little behind? lol
Kimmis Krazy World
Flipping Adventures
Kims Kountry Kitchen
Postcard from Somewhere
Busy Bee Village
Talk Time with Kim

Mrs Koz said...

Great tip!! I had an ink mark from a bic on my leather purse and as soon as I read this I tried it, it did fade it! I didn't rub too hard so it may come off completely, but I'll wait until I'm braver. Thank you!

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